Dit from scratch of door aanpassingen aan een bestaand model door te voeren.
Spaclaims kondigde aan dat hun software multitouch screens zal ondersteunen wanneer Windows 7 deze herfst op de markt komt.
- User interface control by a finger, so less mouse movement is required -- save the mouse for when your arm gets tired.
- 3D interaction, like panning and rotation, is more intuitive than using a mouse with control keys or requiring separate tools.
- Selection by painting or four-finger box select.
- Modeling becomes more hands-on, so the user experience feels more like working on a real part than a virtual one.
- Real-time, interactive design reviews are enabled by large-format multi touch displays.
Pretty cool right? Kun je u dit al voorstellen in Inventor?
link: http://www2.spaceclaim.com
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