vrijdag 12 oktober 2007

Inventor 2008: Design Accelerator, Deel 1

Tips 'n TricksSunith Babu gaat ons uitleggen wat Design Accelerator is en hoe het werkt.
Deze maand legt hij ons de verschillende mogelijkheden even uit, binnenkort zal hij enkele voorbeelden tonen.
In this segment I will introduce you Design Accelerator, a feature in Autodesk Inventor® 2008. Design Accelerator is an important component of functional design, the process used to reduce or simplify the design of computer software involving 3D modeling. The basic advantage of this process is that the parts designed by this technique can be easily modified and can attain higher levels of design quality and accuracy. Further it eliminates the need for physical prototypes. Design Accelerator provides component generators and calculators to create various components which generally meet the design criterion.
Begin alvast met deel 1 te lezen!

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