vrijdag 4 mei 2007

Official Inventor Podcast Episode #11

PodcastGa op deze link staan en gebruik onze interne mp3 speler of gebruik "Save Target As..." om geluidsbestand op te slaan.

1. Cadalyst Labs Review: Autodesk Inventor 2008
2. Autodesk Surpasses Eight Million Licensed Users
3. Autodesk and FIRST Provide Competitive Robotics to the Masses
4. Request for Proposals -- Looking for AU 2007 Speakers
5. Inventor of the Month: BigToys, Inc.

1. Inventor 2008 Countdown
2. Blue Ridge Numerics Launches CFdesign V9 for Autodesk Inventor 2008

Tips 'n Tricks:
1. Construction environment
2. Optimized Weldment Design and Documentation
3. Getting Acquainted with 3D Grips and Feature Generator

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