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Volgende issues zijn aangepakt:
- Writing back the Item Date property to iProperty Date will decrement by a day after every Check In and Update item operation
- Cannot Update AutoCAD Electrical items if a Reference Designator is Mapped
- Unable to write value to some mapped User Defined Properties (UDP) if there are multiple blocks in the drawing
- Copy to custom library in Content Center doesn't work on localized language installs of ADMS
- Certain file update workflows with "Enforce Unique File Names" enabled would result in an error attempting to create visualization file
- Viewing the Re-index Property status from ADMS Console crashes during a Re-index operation
- Vault returns "edited out of turn" and crashes during checkin or checkout
- Install and launch ADMS console then right-click on a Vault from any workgroup will cause crash
- Vault Client returns error message "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: link" during startup
- Crash during SignIn command and ShowMore command
- Getting error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" during Item creation or Item Update
- Item Update command on a newly assigned Item will encounter 1200 error
- The MAPIINSERT command takes a long time for large image files over the network when Vault Client is installed
- Increased number of calls to the server inside Civil 3D 2011 compared with Civil 3D 2010
- Login fails when passing Windows Authentication credentials to the Web Client
- Setting Effectivity is slower in Vault 2011
- No way to get back into Property Reindex dialog after crash in Property Reindex operation
- Change Order grid population is slow in Vault 2011
- Migration failures and errors
- Always auto-assigning User Defined Properties to the Base category during migration
- Grid population is slow, searching is slow
- Incorrect 'NO COUNT' flag on Publisher and Subscriber Workgroups
- Lucene search failures resulting in "error 179: search failed"
- Error message "Error 1200" when Updating Item
- Import of configuration file fails with error 232
- Poor Performance on File Navigation with large number of files
- Rebuilding search indexes event fails with out of memory error
- Check in fails on file when default lifecycle state is Released
- Incorrect impersonated user default setting in Web.Config
- Failure to update ACE item with communication error 1200
- Using specific search critera and wildcards in combination with file Content Indexing results in an error
- Preview of Office files always shows the very first selected one
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